Hey there! Today, I will be showing you how you can do affiliate marketing without a website.
Specifically, I will discuss how you can promote Clickbank, JVZOO, Amazon, and any other affiliate product out there (there are literally millions of products to promote!) even if you don’t have a website.
I will be showing my PERSONAL methods and systems — this is not regurgitated stuff you can find online!
If this sounds like something that interests you, keep reading because this is a super detailed guide (around 7,500 words so feel free to bookmark this page!) to help you and anyone who has ever asked themselves if it’s even possible to earn a living online.
So, why am I doing this? Why am I sharing this system that’s working for me?
Because a couple of years ago I was a complete beginner to the affiliate marketing world too and I have wasted several months trying and testing which method works best.
There’s a very steep learning curve in affiliate marketing and my mission is to help you reduce the amount of time you will spend studying, i.e. help you stop wasting time on systems and products that may or may not work!
Of course, you still have to do a lot of work but with this guide, your learning curve should be effectively cut into half or even less!
There are plenty of information on the Internet about affiliate marketing but most of these are just general information and you’ve got to go out and search for the specific details.
Watch the video below (if you don’t want to read) or just scroll down to read everything.
Most premium (paid) courses online by big name marketers cost hundreds and even thousands of dollars but I’m giving away my system for free.
I know you’re asking, “What’s the catch”?
None really. I’m doing this for you as much as I’m doing this for me.
This is my exact process so I will be constantly referring to this guide whenever I work on my marketing efforts.
In full disclosure, I would like to mention that I am an affiliate for most of the products and software I use (I will never recommend a product I don’t personally use!).
This means that if you buy through my link, I will be receiving a commission.
If you do that, I will be thankful indeed (it took me 2 weeks to finish this tutorial. Hahaha!). 🙂
You might be asking, “Will you be posting proof of income or payment in order for us to know if your method works?”
You know, I actually considered this. But my answer is NO.
You can Google this.. there’s plenty of ‘gurus’ and scammers photoshopping income proof to make them look like legit millionaires! In fact, I can make a tutorial on this if you want. LOL
So yeah, I’m afraid you just have to take my word for it, try out my system for doing affiliate marketing even without a website, and see if it works for you too!
Chapter 1: A Quick Intro To The Wonderful World Of Affiliate Marketing
So before we get into the meat of this tutorial, I’d like to give a quick background to affiliate marketing for anyone who has never heard of affiliate marketing before.
If you are a non-beginner and are an intermediate learner, then, by all means, please skip to the next chapter. 🙂
Why I love affiliate marketing (and why you should too)
I love affiliate marketing because more often than not, you only have to do the *hard work* once and reap the profits for a long time!
For instance, it may take you several weeks to finish your new niche website BUT once it starts ranking on Google then you can expect a steady flow of income (this is, of course, assuming your site was done correctly).
Another example would be how you can make a nice video in just a few hours, rank it on Google and Youtube, and then reap the benefits from your affiliate link for a long, long time (I will show you how to do this). This is as close to passive income as you can get.
Is affiliate marketing easy?

In a nutshell? NO, IT’S CERTAINLY NOT.
Affiliate marketing is not for the faint-hearted. It requires a lot of work, a lot of dedication, and yes, a lot of time to learn and master.
It’s like taking a one or two year course at university and finishing it in 6 months or less – there are lots of things to learn and study!
Yes, you can earn a lot of money with affiliate marketing BUT you have to work hard for it.
There is no magic shortcut and no ‘push button’ software that will send a flood of dollars to your bank account!
If you read that on any sales page (especially on make money online products), run in the opposite direction.
It’s just pure hype and nonsense spewed by unethical marketers out to make a quick profit off of you.
Affiliate marketing without a website (and even with a website) is NOT a get rich quick scheme.
For instance, it took me 3 months to get my first niche website up and running (I wrote over 50,000 words spread out in 20+ product reviews).
But it’s been earning me a nice passive income to this day (almost a year since I launched that site).
Am I not afraid of copycats?
No, I’m not afraid of copycats. The Internet is such a huuuuuge place and there are an infinite number of niches we can get into.
Also, I honestly do not know if someone else is using the same affiliate marketing methods I follow.
I personally arrived at this method following a long process of trial and error.
And Internet marketing takes a lot of work – not everyone is going to take action.
I’d say maybe 1-2% of whoever reads this guide will take action (that’s a challenge for you to not belong to the 98-99% of people who are only going to read this and not take any action at all).
There are literally millions of products you can promote online in whatever niche you can think of.
You just have to be creative and you just have to know how to connect some seemingly random product into your post or video.
What are the caveats for this guide?
While I aim to be as detailed as possible, I have to mention the following caveats:
1. I’m not going to tell you what my niches/niche websites are because I’m already showing my exact process to you – I don’t want you to steal my bread and butter too, so to speak. But don’t worry, I’m going to show you how you can find profitable niches you can start on.
2. I’m an affiliate for most of the software tools I’m using. This means if you click on the link to the product and buy it, I will get a small commission. I thank you in advance if you choose to do so. 🙂
3. I will outline exactly what I do so there’s no ambiguity. However, I cannot possibly cover everything there is to know about affiliate marketing as there’s just too many possible angles/products/systems that other people are using.
Chapter 2: Choosing an Affiliate Network and the Right Products to Promote
There are plenty of affiliate networks to choose from (you can easily look this up on Google) but personally, I promote products from just 5 major affiliate networks.
My Top 5 Affiliate Networks
Here’s a table outlining the pros and cons of my top 5 affiliate networks:
[table id=1 /]
The application process for these networks is pretty straight forward so I’m not going to be detailing the entire application process in this guide.
Also, I will mostly be discussing my methods in my top 3 favorite networks: Amazon, Clickbank and JVZOO because I’m just one person and it will take me forever to write about all major affiliate networks out there. LOL.
How to find good product(s) in Amazon, Clickbank and JVZOO
Pay close attention to this particular section because this will form the foundation of your affiliate marketing efforts.
You have to know how to choose a good niche and how to choose a suitable product in that niche.
If you choose a not so profitable niche then you just might end up doing the work again from scratch!
Step 1. Choose your niche
The first step is to look for a good niche you want to work in. There are plenty of niches to choose from and I suggest working on something you are interested in or passionate about.
Here are some sample niches and sub-niches to give you an idea:

Your imagination is your limit. Feel free to explore and list down your favorites and from there you can narrow down the best interests/niches you want to work in.
I highly recommend you choose something that you’re interested in no matter how remote that interest might be.
Because if you choose a topic you have no interest in, you’re going to get bored and tired and you won’t feel motivated to work on your content.
Have you already got a niche in mind?
Proceed to step 2.
Step 2. It’s now time to look for a relevant product to promote.
Since we are going to be discussing 3 major networks, I will break this section into 3 parts:
- Step 2a will be for Amazon.
- Step 2b will be for Clickbank.
- Step 2c will be for JVZOO products.
Read below to learn more about my product selection process for each network.
Step 2a. How to select a good profitable product on Amazon
In early 2017, Amazon released their updated affiliate program fee rates for specific product categories.
Before this update, affiliates with huge volumes of traffic and sales were raking in huge commissions because Amazon used tiered commissions then.
The more sales you had, the higher your commission bracket.
Now, with Amazon’s new update, it doesn’t matter if you sell hundreds or thousands of products. You are now on a fixed rate whether you like it or not.
For demonstration purposes, let’s say you chose this niche: MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS.
In my opinion, this is a good niche and as you can see in the table you get 6% commission which is a good enough rate especially if you pull in lots of traffic and affiliate sales.
Under Musical Instruments, you have a plethora of musical instruments to choose from. On Amazon, you’re given the following options:
Bass guitars
Ukuleles, Mandolins & Banjos
Amplifiers & Effects
Drums & Percussion
Keyboards & Midi
Microphones & Accessories
Let’s say you chose Guitars. You’ll then see the following sub-categories:
Electric Guitars
Acoustic Guitars
Acoustic-electric Guitars
Classical & Nylon-string Guitars
You can even narrow it down further. If I click on Electric Guitars, I’ll get this result:
Beginner Kits
Hollow & Semi-Hollow Body
Lap & Pedal Steel Guitars
Solid Body
Clicking on the Beginner Kits link, I will then be redirected to a page that displays the Best Sellers, Top Rated, Hot New Releases, Most Gifted, and Most Wished For Beginner Electric Guitars.
I will then create a list of the Best Selling beginner electric guitars and add the products that meet the criteria below to my list.
For Amazon, I personally follow these criteria when selecting products to promote:
- Price must be at least $100.
- Have at least 10 reviews.
- Must have 4-5 star rating.
- It must have other similar products.
You can do this manually or you can use a software like Amasuite which I personally use.
I love Amasuite because it makes my life so much easier because I can easily get a list of products I want to promote without manually going through thousands of products on Amazon!
Here’s what it looks like:
That’s it. That’s how you look for a suitable product on Amazon to promote in your affiliate website. 🙂
Step 2b. How to select a good affiliate product on Clickbank
I made a video which shows you how to select a good product on Clickbank which you can promote as an affiliate. Check it out here:
Here are the general guidelines I follow when looking for a good Clickbank product:
1. The product must solve a specific problem relevant to my niche.
2. Gravity from 1-60 so it’s not too competitive and there’s plenty of room for promotion.
3. Look for products with Affiliate Resources as this will make promoting the product so much easier!
4. Avoid video-only sales pages. I personally cannot stand these types of landing pages especially if there’s no way to just finish the video and go to the pricing page or something. You can’t even find out the price until after the video stops playing. Talk about frustrating!
5. Avoid distracting landing pages with a lot of different things going on. You want your site visitor to do one thing – to buy the product. You don’t want them getting distracted and getting lost in the myriad of links on the vendor’s site.
Step 2c. How to select a product and apply to be an affiliate on JVZOO
For JVZOO, you have to go to Affiliates tab then Find Products section and then filter through the search results.
You can easily filter whatever catches your fancy and of course meets you audience’s needs.
Then you have to apply to each product vendor individually and ask to promote their product.
These are the guidelines I follow when applying to be an affiliate on a particular JVZOO product:
1. I’ve purchased the software or had trial access (not necessary but it’s better to actually have experience using the product).
2. The vendor must be trustworthy and have a good track record on JVZOO. When you gain more experience on JVZOO, you’ll start to recognize the biggest names in this market and know whether they make good products or not.
Most vendors have restrictions when it comes to new affiliates due to a number of fraudulent activities.
When applying, especially if you have zero sales, it’s best to mention that you are willing to be on Delayed Payments. You can use this application template and edit if you like:
Hi, I’m a new JVZOO affiliate and would love to promote your product. I run a blog at http://yourwebsitehere.com where I review useful products in my niche and I believe my site readers would love to buy your product! I also don’t mind being on delayed payments so I hope you will approve my request. Thank you.
Once you get approved (you’ll get an email notification from JVZOO), you can then get your affiliate links and start promoting the product!
Taking a shortcut with Affiliate Titan
If you want to skip the manual process involved in looking for a good product and save your precious time instead, then I suggest you take a look at this 6-in-1 software tool suite called Affiliate Titan!
It’s an awesome product that gets 5 stars from me. I use this all the time when I’m in a rush and need to get good product ideas.
Here’s a summary of the 6 software features from left to right (click left and right to view the screenshots of each component software of Affiliate Titan):
1) Launch Pulse – shows a list of upcoming 100+ product launches on JVZOO and Warrior Forum. Very useful if you are into launch jacking.
2) CB 250 – it lists the current top 250 affiliate products on Clickbank (updated daily)
3) 1 Click Affiliate – this helps you to quickly create affiliate landing pages and scripts, using proven sales templates
4) King of the Zoo – this software lists the top 100 JVZoo products (updated every 12 hours)
5) Rapid Video Ranker – creates instant slide-based affiliate videos in seconds which you can then upload to Youtube for free and fast traffic!
6) King of the Zon – this lists the top 200 best selling products on Amazon (updated daily)
I really, really love this product because I can see straightaway which items are hot on Amazon, Clickbank and JVZOO and I don’t have to manually search on these networks!
It’s literally a huge time saver for me!
My Affiliate Titan Rating: 8.5/10
Skip the manual (and complicated) process of looking for the perfect affiliate product to promote. Get this awesome and extremely affordable 6-in-1 software now. But why only 8.5/10?
Well, it’s because to be totally upfront the software just gives you the top products (on a platter, so to speak). This means that if you want to know more or do some more in-depth research, this isn’t the right software for you.
But at its current price, it’s a STEAL, and it will certainly give you plenty of ideas if you’re just starting out.
Chapter 3: How To Look For Profitable Keywords
There are plenty of paid and free tools you can use to look for profitable keywords. I personally use a combination of both.
First, the FREE keyword tools:
1. Google search engine
Starting with Google allows me to get plenty of ideas. I will type in my search query and then I will scroll down to the bottom where Google has a list of related keywords. I then copy the relevant keywords in an Excel file.
I do this several times until I have a good number of keywords saved in my Excel file.
Check out this screenshot to give you a clear idea:
I use this method more than any other free tools because this is what people are actually typing into Google.
It does take some time to do this but it gives you a very good idea into the kind of topics/keywords your audience is searching for.
2. Free Keyword Tools
I mainly use the following free keyword tools when doing keyword research:
AnswerThePublic.com / Keyword.io / KeywordTool.io
These are free tools that will give you plenty of keyword ideas.
Just type in your query and copy the keywords that looks promising or interesting to you in your Excel file.
Okay so now you probably have hundreds of keywords compiled in your Excel file. Let’s move on to the next section.
Second, the PREMIUM keyword tools:
What you do next then is plug in this list to a keyword software like KWFinder which gives you a whole lot of data NOT available in any free tools.
Using the same keyword we used previously, “how to earn money online”, we get the following results on KWFinder (note the section highlighted in red box):
KWFinder will show you your keyword’s:
– TREND for the past 12 months
– the average monthly SEARCH VOLUME in the past 12 months
– the average cost per click (CPC)
– the level of competition in PPC advertising, and
– the keyword’s SEO DIFFICULTY.
I love KWFinder because it gives me the information I need at the click of a button.
I’m on my 2nd year with KWFinder and am subscribed to the basic plan which gives me 100 keyword lookups, 100 SERP lookups and 200 related keywords per search per 24 hours.
My basic plan also gives me access to their newly-released software, SERPChecker, which is an awesome tool!
SERPChecker gives me all the information I need to determine how difficult it would be to try and outrank all these websites.
It’s so powerful because you can easily see your competitors’ information, such as:
– Rank – the SEO difficulty of the keyword
– DA / PA – domain authority and page authority (the higher, the more powerful the website)
– CF / TF – citation flow and trust flow
– MozRank and MozTrust
– the number of backlinks pointing to the page
– the number of Facebook shares
– the number of Google pluses
My KWFINDER (and SERPCHECKER) Rating: 10/10
These software complement each other perfectly and you can easily look for the most profitable keywords for your campaign! It’s cloud-based, it’s very fast and support is very helpful too. To top it off, it’s priced very competitively!
I use this tool whenever I create videos which I want to rank on both Youtube and Google. There are many factors that influence or dictates a video’s rank on Youtube and Google.
There are some software that gives you an estimate difficulty for ranking on Youtube and other software that gives you an estimate difficulty for ranking on Google.
Video Keyword Spy does both – in fact, it’s the only software of its kind which I trust. I’ve been very satisfied with my video rankings so far!
Here’s my case study:
1. My keyword for the Youtube video I made above in Chapter 2 (step 2b Clickbank) is “how to select a good product on clickbank to promote as an affiliate“.
Here’s the video again just in case you missed it:
2. So before I made the video, I checked Video Keyword Spy if it was a good video keyword which would get me ranked on Google.
Here’s a screenshot:
Video Keyword Spy says the overall difficulty is moderate at 33.3%. It also states (in green highlight) that “The above stats match our existing data which indicates easy page 1 rankings“.
3. So today I checked on Google (I went incognito to make sure the search results won’t be skewed by my search history) and guess where my video is?
It’s on the 3rd spot on page number 1.
Pretty awesome, right?
Check it out here:
Oh, and by the way, I used a VPN and set my IP to a USA IP address so this means I’m ranking quite nicely for this particular search term in the US. 🙂
I really love Video Keyword Spy. I’ve had quite a number of videos ranked on page 1 just by using good keywords I’ve found with this software.
My Video Keyword Spy Rating: 10/10
This is one of my favorite tools and I use this all the time when I publish new videos in my niche Youtube channel. It’s very fast and it’s very accurate too. This is easily one of the best investments I’ve made and to top it off, the product owners offer awesome and timely support too.
If you are serious about ranking your videos on BOTH Google AND Youtube, then this software is a MUST.
Chapter 4: The Fun Part — How To Create Videos To Promote Your Affiliate Product (this is my preferred method of doing affiliate marketing without a website)
Alright, we’re now at the heart of this guide so pay close attention to what I’m about to teach you.
So, in the previous chapters, we’ve covered (1) how to look for a good affiliate product to promote and (2) how to look for profitable keywords using both free and premium keyword tools.
In short, YOU should now have a PRODUCT and a LIST OF KEYWORDS to target.
For illustration purposes, let’s say I chose ‘Organifi Green Juice‘ on Clickbank. It’s got pretty good numbers as evidenced by this screenshot:
It’s quite a popular product (but not extremely popular as it only has 76.66 gravity) and you even have an opportunity to earn rebills!
I wanted to make this guide as realistic as possible so I used KWFINDER and VIDEO KEYWORD SPY to look for a good VIDEO keyword. I came up with the following results:
The keyword ‘organifi reviews‘ has a very good SEO difficulty score according to KWFINDER. But is it a good video keyword?
To check if ‘organifi reviews‘ is a good video keyword, I ran the keyword on VIDEO KEYWORD SPY and came up with the following result:
Alright, so it seems we got ourselves a good video keyword. For this chapter, we will use ‘organifi reviews‘ as our video keyword. 🙂
Now, before I disclose my exact steps in making affiliate product review videos, I ask myself the following questions:
1. Have I tried the product myself?
– If YES, then I don’t hesitate making a video demonstrating the features and benefits of the product. It’s much easier this way and you gain credibility with your audience.
– If NO, then it’s going to be a bit more tricky. When promoting affiliate products, you might not have the money to buy everything so we have to think outside the box and be creative. Read on to find out how to overcome this.
2. Does the vendor have affiliate resources?
– If the vendor HAS affiliate resources, I make use of their free content, free images, free video materials, etc. (this is why we recommend choosing products with free affiliate resources in Chapter 2)
– If the vendor has NO affiliate resources, I just get their content from their sales page and then do my own designs (unless otherwise stated use only content you are allowed to use – don’t steal content! or you could get banned).
So for our example in this Chapter, we have chosen the Clickbank product ORGANIFI.
They have plenty of affiliate resources on their website so we are going to use those in creating our video.
Note: Organifi requires affiliates to be pre-approved which means you have to apply first to be their affiliate.
IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: I am not an ORGANIFI affiliate but for purposes of illustration, I am using this product as an example because they offer plenty of affiliate resources which makes it a great affiliate product.
So with that disclaimer out of the way, let’s proceed.
Now what follows are the exact steps I follow when creating videos to promote my chosen products:
1. First, you have to prepare your script or storyline.
You can’t just go in blindly. You have to prepare the flow of your video so people aren’t lost or left wondering what your video is about.
2. Second, you have try and make visually appealing videos. I personally a software called VIDEOMAKERFX to make a variety of slides and support the main points in my storyline.
Here’s a quick and simple demo video I made in about 5 minutes using VIDEOMAKERFX:
Now, while VIDEOMAKERFX is awesome and so much better and faster than Powerpoint, it’s not a video editor. It’s a video maker, but it’s not a video editor.
So if you want to spice up your video and add effects, transitions or other images and videos, you have to use a proper video editing software.
(Proceed to step 3 to find out what it is).
My VIDEOMAKERFX Rating: 9/10
3) I edit all the elements of my video using my favorite video editing software, CAMTASIA.
If I could give this software 11 out of 10 marks, I would! It makes my life so much easier and it makes my videos look so much better. It’s perfect for any affiliate marketer and the price is just about right.
So, in the video we made with VIDEOMAKERFX in Step 2, I didn’t add any background music because I just wanted the slides done.
With Camtasia, I’m going to be adding background music and images, some voice over and some additional effects and transitions.
Check out this finished video:
Note that I edited the video storyline first before recording my voice over using the free software Audacity. I could record my voice over in Camtasia but Audacity gives me so much more flexibility such as removing the background noise and more.
I know my audio can still be cleaned up but hey, this is just a demo so you have a better understanding of how I make my videos, I’m not here to make a perfect video. 🙂
My CAMTASIA Rating: 10/10
Camtasia is perfect for creating high quality and professional looking videos. I ALWAYS use this software when I make videos and I’ve had people tell me how impressed they were with my video making skills (LOL! I don’t think I’m any good at all..
I think I have mediocre video skills. But all the same, all credit goes to this excellent software!). Of course, this software is a bit on the high-end of the price spectrum but for its features and ease of use, I think the price is more than fair. There are other cheaper video editors but for an affiliate marketer like me, Camtasia is the perfect video editor.
Chapter 5: How to create eye-catching Youtube thumbnails
Okay, so now we’ve covered almost everything. We’ve got ourselves a good product to promote and we’ve created the video in chapter 4.
Now, we know there are millions, if not billions, of videos on Youtube.
We NEED to make our videos stand out from the crowd – we want our videos to be seen when someone types our keywords on the search bar.
So how do we do this?
By creating attractive and eye-catching thumbnails. To the right is an example of Youtube thumbnails.
In this screenshot, I bet a few thumbnails caught your attention straight away.
There are many tools you can use to create YT thumbnails. You can use Photoshop, Canva, even good ol’ Microsoft Paint.
But my personal favorite is Youzign. I use it all the time. Not just to make thumbnails for my Youtube videos, I use it to create graphics for all of my websites and social media accounts.
Here are my favorite reasons why I love Youzign:
1. It’s cloud based (I don’t have to download the software to my pc).
2. It’s very fast and responsive even on different browsers.
3. It integrates with a lot of free-photo sites such as Pixabay, Unsplash, Pexels, etc. This means I don’t have to download the photos from these websites and then upload it to Youzign. All I have to do is just do a search from within my Youzign dashboard and then click on the photo I like, and it will be downloaded to my Youzign canvas. Easy as pie!
4. It includes a lot of really cool templates which you can use for free. All you have to do is pick out a template and then swap out the elements you want to change. This way, you can save some time and have a brand-new graphic in just a few minutes!
Check out these awesome templates:
5. Lastly, if you want to check out how your graphic would look like, you can click on the ‘preview button’ so you get a feel if your video is going to stand out or not.
Here’s a sample preview:
To demonstrate just how quick Youzign is, watch me make a new Youtube thumbnail for our Organifi example in 2 minutes:
I know it’s not the most beautiful thumbnail but it does catch your eye, doesn’t it? (see what I did there? LOL)
As you can see, I used these elements in my thumbnail to make it ‘stand out’ from the crowd:
- Use big fonts
- Use relevant image (relevant to your keyword)
- Put a border on the graphic
Again, you are free to use any graphics software. I just prefer to use Youzign because it’s so much more convenient for me.
What’s important is that you are able to create good quality graphics within a reasonable amount of time.
Don’t sweat the small stuff — it’s so easy to criticize yourself and make non-stop edits to your work. Your work doesn’t have to be perfect. As Nike would say, Just. Do. It.
My YOUZIGN Rating: 10/10
I give this software 9/10 rating because I literally use it everyday and it’s very convenient for my needs. I use it to make all my social media graphics and website graphics. It’s a fast, cloud-based app that’s also very friendly for newbies. Their support is also top notch. This product has been in the market for a couple of years now and it’s still being supported (and regularly updated) by developers!
Chapter 6: Work on your Video SEO
Video SEO is important if you want your video to rank on Youtube and Google. When I first started making videos, I was super careful about Video SEO and most of my knowledge came from probably one of biggest names in the SEO world — Brian Dean of Backlinko.
You should check out his in-depth tutorial here if you are serious about learning how to rank Youtube videos.
For video SEO purposes, we need to add a description to each video we upload to Youtube. Brian Dean recommends the following ‘ingredients’ for video description:
1. Put your link (affiliate link) at the top of the description as this increases the CTR or clickthrough rate. However, I don’t just copy and paste those long and ugly affiliate links.
For example, this is what a Clickbank affiliate link looks like:
Would you click on that link?? I don’t think so.
What I do is I use a link cloaker that makes my links ‘pretty’.
There are plenty of tools and plugins that do this for you but if you want to know what I use, it’s a software called Easy Redirect Script which I use on all my websites.
I even use it on this blog. So instead of an ugly affiliate link, my links look like this: angiearriesgado.com/go/affiliate-link. This looks so much better and is definitely more clickable.
Please note that Easy Redirect Script has to be installed on your domain’s hosting (so yes, you need to buy a domain name and web hosting).
This is actually a very simple process if you know FTP. This software also allows you to have COMPLETE control of your links!
I don’t recommend the use of third-party link shorteners such as bit.ly, tinyurl or goo.gl. This is because these sites have now started blocking affiliate links so your links are not going to show up if people click on them. 🙁
I’m sure there are other link shorteners out there that still work for affiliate links but I personally don’t bother with that anymore so I can’t give an alternate suggestion.
2. Include the keyword you’ve selected in Chapter 3 in the first 25 words.
3. Make the description at least 250 words; this minimum word count will allow you to include your keyword 3-4 times naturally, i.e. without looking like you’re just ‘keyword stuffing’ which is a big no nowadays.
I like to group my keywords into similar keywords and then create a ‘general’ title for that ‘group’ of keywords.
So for example, if I’ve got 3 keyword groups, then I will craft a total of 3 titles.
This is what it looks like:
Keyword Group 1 | Keyword Group 2 | Keyword Group 3 |
Keyword 1 | Keyword 1 | Keyword 1 |
Keyword 2 | Keyword 2 | Keyword 2 |
Keyword 3 | Keyword 3 | Keyword 3 |
Keyword 4 | Keyword 4 | Keyword 4 |
Title for Keyword Group 1 | Title for Keyword Group 2 | Title for Keyword Group 3 |
What I will do is I will create 3 videos targeting each keyword group. This technique allows me to get traffic not just for my main keyword but for keyword groups 1-3!
You’re probably thinking, that’s a lot of videos to make because as you probably already know Youtube won’t allow you to upload duplicate videos.
So, here’s my workaround for this duplicate video problem:
All you have to do is just create 1 main video and then do the following for the other similar/duplicate videos:
1. Make slight changes to your video. For example, you can change the music or you can change the intro or outro. This doesn’t have to be complicated. A super small edit will make your video entirely unique for Youtube and will bypass Youtube duplicate video filter.
2. You can use a video cloner tool like ‘Mass Video Cloner’ which clones your video and does the job in literally 2 seconds! It changes the file at the bit or byte level (don’t ask me to explain it’s too technical for me. Haha)! But it’s literally lightning quick!
I’m sure there are other methods and other software out there that can help you save time or maybe even automate the process. But these 2 methods are the ones I use now.
Okay, so following the steps above we now have 3 videos.
What we need to do now is work on our video SEO to make sure our videos rank on Youtube (or if you read what I wrote in Chapter 3, you can also rank in Google if you use a video keyword tool called Video Keyword Spy).
A checklist or to-do list for your Video SEO
So I wrote this short checklist for you to use as your to-do list when doing your Video SEO.
1. Use your main keyword as the video file name. For instance, if your keyword is ‘organifi review’ then your video filename should be ‘organifi review.mp4’ or something like that.
2. Use your keyword in the title. Going by the same keyword in point 1 above, the title for our video would be something like “Honest and unbiased organifi review from a fitness instructor”.
3. Use your keyword as the filename for your Youtube thumbnail. Since your thumbnail will most probably be either a jpg or png file, your thumbnail file name will be ‘organifi review.png’ or ‘organifi review.jpg’.
4. Use your ‘keyword groups’ as tags in the video. In our example keyword groups table above, we have 3 keywords per group. This means, I will use Keyword 1, Keyword 2, Keyword 3 as ‘tags’ in my video. Another trick would be to use the same tags as the most popular videos that show up for your keyword so you really have to do your research diligently.
5. Your description should be at least 200 words and you should make sure to mention your keyword around 3-4 times (just don’t keyword stuff please!).
Numbers 1-4 you have to do individually or for each video.
But for number 5, you DON’T have to write 200 words per video (that will take too much time!). Imagine if you’ve got 10 or 20 similar videos you would end up writing 2000-4000 words of content!
This is where my other little secret trick comes in — you can use a content spinner to make your descriptions unique.
What I personally recommend is Spin Rewriter. I wrote a detailed review if you want to check it out and see how I quickly make unique and 100% human-readable content. Here’s the link:
Spin Rewriter 7.0 Review: The Best Online Article Spinner, Rewriter and Paraphrasing Tool in 2017
So to summarize, I write a single UNIQUE article and then I spin it on SpinRewriter which then gives me a bunch of new, human-readable descriptions for my other videos!
This software literally saves me hours of my time so I highly recommend this.
Click Here To Know More About SPIN REWRITER.
Chapter 7: Upload your videos to Youtube and start promoting
When uploading your videos to Youtube, make sure you do the following tasks as shown in the screenshot below: You can also choose to maximize all the free tools that Youtube gives you such as:
- End screen and annotations — you can use Youzign to create good looking end screens
- Cards — you can use this feature to link to another video, playlist or channel, create a poll for your viewers and even link to an approved website
- Subtitles — these are useful so your viewers can easily understand what you are trying to say
When your video(s) are uploaded, you should then get the word out and let the world know about your new video! There are many ways you can do this. Here are some examples of where you can share your content.
- Your blog
- Your social media channels
- In relevant forums (just make sure you’re adding value to the conversation not just spamming your link because you can easily get banned)
- In Q&A sites like Quora
- Commenting in other people’s blogs
- You can even use paid advertising
Just remember that the content creation/promotion ratio is 20/80 which means you spend 20% of your time creating your content or video and the 80% is spent on promoting it!
My Final Thoughts
Now that I’ve written and detailed my entire process for doing affiliate marketing, it’s now time for you to take action.
As I said in the introduction, affiliate marketing is not easy. It takes a lot of work which in turn will take up a lot of your time. But if you do everything correctly, then you have set up an income stream that will be passive for a long time to come!
Also, I would like to point out again that there are many ways you can go about promoting affiliate products. In this tutorial, I kept things as simple as possible and I chose to teach you about direct linking to the affiliate product by cloaking your affiliate link.
However, there is another more complicated option which involves building a ‘squeeze page’ to capture your audience’s email address so you can market to them later on via email marketing. I’ll try to do a tutorial on this as well sometime in the future.
Please feel free to share this content with your friends. If you have any comments or questions about this guide, feel free to let me know in the comments below. I will be happy to help you out. 🙂
Thank you Angie for the effort
this helped me alot ?
have a great life and good luck
You’re welcome, Adam. Glad I was able to help. 🙂
Good job,, i really like your Tutorial videos …Keep it up :)))