June 9


Divi Tutorial: How To Make The Comment Module Appear On Blog Posts

By Angie

June 9, 2017

In this Divi tutorial, I will show you how I finally solved this seemingly difficult problem. I ran across this issue when I published my first ever blog post on this site. For the life of me, I couldn’t figure out how to make the comments appear at the bottom of my post. It only showed the following:

divi comments not showing up

I was getting pretty frustrated and researched for about 3 hours for the solution. I found this blog that offered detailed steps on how to fix this problem but it didn’t help. To be fair, the post was published in 2015 but I guess people are still having the same problem to this day. So, I added a Child Theme plugin and did the PHP and CSS edits he suggested in Method 1 but still nothing.

I searched Google and Youtube for a solution but my search yielded nada. So I went to my Elegant Themes members area (I know I should probably have searched here first and saved hours of my life!) and found the solution that worked.

So, here’s what I did:

  1. First I reviewed my blog post for the nth time and made sure the Comments module was on the page.
  2. I went to the Edit Post option, clicked on Screen Options and ticked the Discussion box:

3. I scrolled down to the Discussion settings on the page and ticked the two boxes:

4. The Comments box will now appear on the post:

divi comment module now working

5. Also, before I forget you also have to enable the following options in your Divi theme options:

Go to Divi > Theme Options > Layout > Single Post Layout > Show comments on posts > Enabled

Then hit SAVE.

Hopefully, this fix will work for you as well! If you have questions, feel free to comment below. Cheers!

  • Wow thank you! It seemed like a big problem but it was so easy to fix. Now to turn on comments for all my blog posts…

  • I was setting up my site through DIVI. You saved me alot of time. I even gave up hope and started searching for comments plugins on word-press.

    • I’m a little more conservative. I look at this this way: every unnecessary and some necessary plug-ins have the potential to slow you’re loading times down or break your blog altogether.

  • I have followed all the above steps. Comment box is appearing there is no problem, But No comment updates are changing in the comments box. It remains with no change.

    • Hey Vinoth, sorry for the late response. I have no idea why the steps I took is not working for you. Perhaps it’s conflicting with a plugin or something. If you still haven’t sorted this out, you can always submit a ticket over on ET. 🙂

  • Thank you so much! So glad I found this because I was going crazy… Glad it stays selected for future posts and that I only had to update it for 2 past posts. I feel sorry for anyone who has to update a bunch of past posts 🙁

  • Thank you! I’ve been struggling with this all night, now I can go ahead and put my post up. Such a simple solution that I was totally missing. Thanks : )

  • You are a goddess! I was taking a class on Divi and my instructor couldn’t even figure out this answer for me. So simple and yet I totally missed it. Thank you!

  • Thanks, hopefully the next version of WP will allow more defaults to be set. It’s no wander many would give up on blogging if they are not at least a little techy.

  • Oh my god, thank you so much. I’ve been scouring the internet for ages for a solution, including in the Elegant Themes members’ area. Thank you!!

  • That’s so helpful, thank you.
    What I don’t understand is that this is my second post in Divi, and I had turned on comments for the first one, so I am surprised that I had to go through these steps again on post #2. And why on earth aren’t comments enabled by default, anyway?

  • Thank you for this! I spent so much time trying to find the information. Lots of tutorials on the Elegant Themes website on how to use to configure the module but they forget to say the most important part — that you need to have comments turned on each post!

  • Many Many Thanks!. I had never seen this happen before in all my divi installs and suddently no coments section. on a site I moved from another server. It seems it kept the dicsussion settings from previous wordpress install. Love that I can fix all my problems with a few google searches.

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